Notice of Mosquito Spraying

The District has decided to begin spraying for mosquitos within the District. The spraying will occur twice a week through November, and thereafter as determined by the District. Because the District contains lakes which contain fish and other wildlife and which attract birds, the District has instructed the company spraying for mosquitos to use a brand of insecticide which is not harmful to wildlife. In addition, although the company spraying for mosquitos has advised that the insecticide poses no health hazard to people, they indicated that if their driver sees people nearby while spraying the driver will stop spraying.

We have attached for your information a link to the label for the insecticide, Evoluer 4-4 ULV which will be sprayed in the District which provides additional information about the insecticide.

Evoluer 4-4 ULV (PDF)

Trash Update

At this time, regular trash services are expected to be provided on Thursday, August 27th. Trash should be picked up during the normal times of 7:00AM till 7PM.

Due to the potential for high winds overnight, we recommend delaying putting out trash until Thursday morning, by 7am.